Non-Profit / Community Outreach

The Bonfire team strives to do meaningful work. We help non-profit organizations achieve their mission, and we’re experts in assisting state and federal governmental bodies to provide vital information to their communities.

We’ve partnered with Johnson Public Relations, a top strategic communications firm that works with non-profits and 501(c)(6) trade organizations. Past clients include the Salvation Army, San Diego Comic-Con, the Pacific Council for International Policy, the National Association of Theatre Owners, and many others that need help with a wide array of services, from grass-roots outreach to reputation management.


Digital Services

Website Design & Development
SEO / SEM / Digital Marketing
eCommerce / Payment Processing
Analytics & Reporting


Public Relations
Corporate Communications
Media Buying & Placement

Branding / Design

Branding & Logos
Collateral Design
Print Design

What our clients say

Barton Center

Custom WordPress Website

The Barton Child Law & Policy Center at Emory University
needed a new website that elevated their online presence and align with their mission of promoting and protecting the legal rights and interests of children involved with the juvenile court, child welfare, and youth justice systems. Bonfire is honored that the Barton Center trusted us to create a custom WordPress website to help them share their critical mission.

Barton Center

Custom WordPress Website

Stigma Free OC

WordPress Website

Stigma Free OC

WordPress Website

Nearly 1 in 4 American adults has a mental illness or a substance use disorder. Stigma Free OC is a movement which aims to clear the stigma associated with mental illness and addiction. Bonfire partnered with the Orange County Healthcare Agency to create a website to engage the residents of Orange County CA with key information and resources to help them overcome the stigma that can be associated with getting help for these conditions.

City of LA / CD6

Branding / Website / Campaign

City of LA / CD6

Branding / Website / Campaign

Here at Bonfire we recognize the transformative power of local elections, so when we had the opportunity to create a comprehensive digital presence for Imelda Padilla’s campaign for LA City Council, we were all in. We created a robust campaign website, a distinctive campaign logo, banners, advertisements, lawn signage, flyers, and engaging newsletters. Beyond the election, our support for LA Council District 6 continues with the CD6 Newsletter, official letterhead, flyers, and posters and the CD6 website. We love rolling up our sleeves and getting our hands dirty for causes that matter. Best of all, we had fun doing it.

Earthquake Warning CA

Custom WordPress Website

Earthquake Warning CA

Custom WordPress Website

Earthquake Warning California is the country’s first publicly available, statewide warning system that could give California residents crucial seconds to take cover before you feel shaking. Managed by the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), Earthquake Warning California uses ground motion sensors from across the state to detect earthquakes before humans can feel them and can notify Californians to “Drop, Cover and Hold On” in advance of an earthquake. Bonfire designed and built this custom website to share critical information with the residents of California to help keep them safe in case of an earthquake.

Life Is Greater Than Drugs


There’s no secret that we’re facing an opioid epidemic in this country. For Orange County residents ages 10-17 years, the number of deaths from drugs and alcohol increased by 800% from 2019 to 2020, and another 122% from 2020 to 2021. To help combat this, OCHCA enlisted Bonfire to design a website to share information and resources for teens to find enjoyment in all the amazing things in life that are greater than drugs.

Life Is Greater Than Drugs

Custom WordPress Website

Quantum Leap Healthcare

Custom WordPress Website

Quantum Leap Healthcare

Custom WordPress Website

Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit that works to better serve cancer patients by accelerating and innovating health care through approaches that challenge the status quo of science and care. Along with our good friends and partners at Cooper, Levy & Partners, we helped them consolidate five different websites into one streamlined and easy to use user experience.

New Voices Foundation

WordPress Website

New Voices Foundation

WordPress Website

Entrepreneurs of color are the fastest growing segment of entrepreneurs in the United States but they don’t enjoy the same access to capital and other resources as their counterparts. New Voices is committed to closing these gaps by increasing entrepreneurs’ access to capital and providing vital funding, learning and networking opportunities that allow their businesses to grow, scale and thrive for generations to come. Bonfire created a robust website as a destination for Entrepreneurs and Investors alike.

Wrong For You

Custom WordPress Website

Pharmaceutical commercials tell you to “ask your doctor” if a drug is “right for you.”, but when it comes to opioids, it’s important to ask instead why they may be wrong for you. Because it’s easy for anyone to become dependent on opioids, OCHCA created the “Wrong For You” campaign to help adults in Orange County make better decisions around opioid use and avoid opioid misuse. Bonfire was brought in to design and build a custom website containing key information and resources for adults to have everything they need to make the right decision for their health.

Wrong For You

Custom WordPress Website

Foothill Transit


online media examples

Foothill Transit


Our launch campaign for the new Foothill Transit website drove impressive results. With a multi-faceted campaign designed by our good friends at Pulsar Advertising, we tightly targeted, planned, and distributed digital media across Display, Social Media, and Search, all focused on Foothill Transit’s geographic footprint, and drove almost 30,000 people to visit Foothill Transit’s new and improved website in 4 short weeks.


Media strategy / Buying / Placement

Working with our awesome partners at Pulsar Advertising, who provided the creative, we delivered almost 16 million impressions across almost 500 pieces of creative to users throughout the GTrans service area. The digital component of this campaign helped to support other media and drove increased ridership of their 7x line, offering low-cost transportation to SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park during the Rams and Chargers season.


Media strategy / Buying / Placement

G-Trans Banner Campaign
GTrans Digital Desktop Ads
GTrans Digital Mobile Ads

Fentanyl is forever

Tee Public Screens


TeePublic Careers Desktop Screen
TeePublic Careers Mobile Screen

Fentanyl is forever


TeePublic is the world’s largest marketplace for independent creators to sell the highest-quality merchandise bearing their art. We redesigned their careers section to showcase TeePublic’s amazing talent and culture, and integrated it with their 3rd Party Job Listing API, and connected a top-notch headless CMS, ButterCMS.

Fentanyl is forever

Media strategy / Buying / Placement / SEM

Working with our awesome partners at Pulsar Advertising, who provided the creative, we delivered almost 16 million impressions across almost 500 pieces of creative to users throughout the GTrans service area. The digital component of this campaign helped to support other media and drove increased ridership of their 7x line, offering low-cost transportation to SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park during the Rams and Chargers season.

Fentanyl is forever


G-Trans Banner Campaign
GTrans Digital Desktop Ads
GTrans Digital Mobile Ads

Hospice East Bay​

Custom WordPress Website

Hospice East Bay Screens

Hospice East Bay​

Custom WordPress Website

Hospice East Bay provides compassionate end-of-life care to terminally ill patients, while offering emotional, spiritual, and grief support for the entire family. We worked with the HEB team to create a user experience and website that helps people find the services and assistance they need at a challenging time.

Foothill Transit Commuters

Paid media

Talogy combines psychology and technology to solve your talent challenges. To help showcase their unique expertise, we created videos that feature all the ways Talogy connects companies with the right talent, and helps assess and guide the ongoing employee experience for brands large and small. As Talogy is a global brand, we created these videos in 11 different languages.

Foothill Transit Commuters

Paid Media